A Survey of the Effective Factors behind the Promulgation of Deen-e Elāhi by Akbar, the Mughal Emperor of India

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. Student of The History of Culture and Civilization of Islamic Nations, University of Tehran, (Corresponding Auther),

2 Assistant professor, Department of Religions, University of Religions and Denominations


India, as a land of religious diversity, has always been witnessing the formation of new religious and sectarian splits. Along with the emergence of Islam in the country, this process was expanded. On the other hand, the maintenance of government for Muslim rulers in a land of diverse religions and sects became a serious challenge. Therefore, each Muslim ruler selected a particular approach to overcome the challenge.
In 1581 (989 AH), Akbar the Indian Mughal emperor promulgated a new religion called Divine Religion (Persian: Deen-e Elāhi:). By using a descriptive-analytical approach, the present article aims at studying the effective factors underlying the promulgation of Deen-e Elāhi, a crude form of peaceful coexistence of religions. Thus, it demonstrates that the promulgation of Deen-e Elāhi by Akbar can be due to his religious tolerance, the religious diversity of his territory and specific social and political features of his reign.


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