Comparing the Schools of Islamic Sufism of Ibn Arabi and Prophetic Kabbala Mysticism of Abulafia through an Analysis of the Numerical V

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Sufism, University of Religions and Denominations

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Comparative Religions and Mysticism, Shahrkord University (Corresponding Author)


 This paper aims at studying the feasibility of the affect and the affected and comparing two mystical schools including "Ibn Arabi" and "prophetic Kabbala" by studying the secrets of the letters in these two schools According to their common geographical origin namely Andalusia in the flourishing era of translation movement. This paper addresses this subject by studying historical documentation (out-texual method) as well as qualitative analysis of surviving written works of these two mystical tradition (intertextual method). The paper studies the similarities and differences of these two theories. One of them is rooted from Kabbala named “Tree of Life” that divides the eternal units to ten Saphirot, and shows 22 letters of the Hebrew language as bridges among Saphirot and suggested 32 ways of wisdom. Another one is based on and adopted from Ibn Arabi’s ideas in his book “Shajar al-Koun”. Ibn Arabi's unique characteristic traits are in the way that was less influenced from others despite access to texts and familiarity with the great diversity of views of religions and denominations and had more effects on others because of originality and independence of thought.


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