Comparative Study of Human Dignity in the Holy Quran and Hebrew Bible

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A of Religions and Mysticism, University of Tehran, Correspondent Author

2 Professor, Faculty of Religions and Mysticism, University of Tehran.


Researches on human dignity which are practiced within the territory of human studies, consider human being with dignity in genetic term as well as evolutionary. This is two types, inherent dignity and acquisitive dignity, in theological view. Inherent dignity is hidden talents in the nature of human that granted to him by creative divine act. But acquisitive dignity acquired by special theoretical and Practical behavior. This dissertation, by using a descriptive-analytical method and within a comparative framework, studies the issue through the views of the Qur’an and The Hebrew Bible. These scriptures consider dignity inherent term, for human being. In this regard, they believe that human bliss and real dignity, which is the concrete realization of the inherent dignity within the actual dignity, is dependent upon the qualities acquired during worldly mode of being, god-fear and allegiance of the testament for example. Therefore the difference between the perspectives of these sacred texts on human dignity seems to be “non-structural”, or in other words, rooted in different explanations and not contrasting principles


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