Gender and Religion: Analysis of Women Status in Abrahamic Religions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor. Development and Social Studies Group. Al-Zahra University

2 PhD Student of women Studies. University of Religions and Denominations. Qom


The present paper is to study the relationship between religion and gender. The role of religion in producing and reproducig the patriarchal system, the subordinated image of women in scriptures, women’s deprivation in church ordination, the idea of women’s incapacityy in attaining highly spiritual and gnostic rank, all are factors that made feminists to criticcize religion and religious propositions. Critical outlook of feminism to religion can be observed in feminism theology. Using descriptive- analytic approach, the article examines the feminist understanding of religion and scripture in woman and womanhood issues. Clarifying feminism theology shows that sometimes feminism regards female God as a solution to mental impasse and sometimes it considers the distortion and biased, male interpretation as the cause of women subordination. The origin of regarding women as the subordinated one can be traced back to creation story and woman creation, original sin, blaming woman for fall of man, and belief in trinity.


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