A New Manuscript of Manichean Gospel

Document Type : Research Paper


Mani’s Gospel, mauscripts, Turfan fragments, identification, reconstruction, the Living Gospel.


Of the Manichean Gospel - the most important work of Mani - three Middle Persian manuscripts in the Manichean script were identified as of yet: M17, M172/I/ and M644. This article aims to show that the small unpublished fragment M5439 also is undoubtedly a part of the manuscripts of Mani’s Gospel and, like the above mentioned fragments, contains a part of the beginning of the first chapter (the chapter aleph) of Mani’s Living Gospel. A complete reading of this damaged fragment rendered not only a correction of the former reconstructions, but also the completion of a small section of the text. This text shows that the beliefs of Mani, who clearly introduced himself in his own Gospel as the ‘Apostle of Jesus Christ’ and praised ‘the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost’ - by and large - have a likeness to other Gnostic-Christian thoughts in general.


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M17/Verso/© Depositum der Berlin-Brandenburgische der Akademie der Wissenschaften in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Orientabteilung