Historical-Literary Approaches to a Feminist Exegesis of the Bible and the Qur’an

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, University of Tehran

2 PhD student, Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Islamic Azad University:

3 Associate professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, University of Tehran

4 Assistant professor, Department of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University


An obstacle on the way of women believers who pursue more equality and liberty are words and statements in scriptures, implying some sort of inequality between men and women. In this paper, we show that, faced with such religious statements, feminists have taken up historical-literary approaches. Here is the problem in this paper: why did feminists pursue such approaches? Do these approaches yield convincing exegeses of the challenging statements? Since late twentieth century, feminists adopted historical-literary approaches in their objections against the Bible. They tried to show how much the Bible was affected by early patriarchal beliefs. Muslim feminists are concerned with different issues from Christians, because Quranic statements concerning the creation of women and men are not objectionable, and count, indeed, as religious supports for feminists. What is challenging for this group of Muslims are Quranic verses with legal implications. It seems that they have, while preserving their faith, deployed modern methods and have had achievements in their defense of egalitarianism and its application to Quranic verses.



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